Software on Demand
Faculty and staff in the College of Life Sciences have access to many software applications purchased by the university under site-licenses. These applications are available on demand through the "Software Center" on PC's and through "Self Service" on Mac's. We have step-by-step instructions below on the use of these on demand tools.
Software Center (for PC's)
The "Software Center" application can be found in the Start Menu under Programs. When you start Software Center, you are presented with a list of applications. To install, simply check the box next to the package you would like, and click Install Selected.

Your selected software will install in the background along with any pre-requisites that are required for that application. If you click on the Installation Status tab, you will see an indicator showing the software is being installed.

The Installation Status tab will show you the status of the installation.

If you have questions regarding Software Center, please contact our support desk at 2-7178.
Self Service (for Mac's)
The "Self Service" application can be found using Lauchpad or by opening the Applications folder. Once you start Self-Service, you are presented with a list of applications. To install, simply click the "Install" button next to the package you would like to install:

Your selected software will install in the background along with any pre-requisites that are required for that application. In the top right corner you will see an indicator showing the software is being installed. You may click on it to se the installation status and a history of applications you have installed.

You can also click the install icon for multiple applications. These installs will be queued and completed in the order you selected. The indicator will show the number of items queued for install.

On the right side, you will find a list of categories. Additional applications are available by selecting one of these categories.

The last category, Utilities, contains a single item: Easy Button. This is a script that fixes many common issues that may surface on Mac's. The script will clean up your computer and then reboot. This is a handy tool when your computer seems to be running slower than usual. Again, THIS WILL REBOOT YOUR COMPUTER!!!

If you have questions regarding Self Service, please contact our support desk at 2-7178.