Service Level Agreement
Table of Contents
General Information
- LSIT Mission
Service Requests
- Hours of Operation
- Contact Information
- Support Procedures
- Priorities and Response Times
- Support Levels
Hardware Support
- Standardization
- Computers
- Printers and Peripherals
- Cell Phones and Tablets
- Retiree Support
- Surplusing Old Hardware
- Personal Computing
- Outdated Hardware and Technology
- Moving Computer Hardware
Software Support
- Purchase and Installation
- Approved Software
- Operating SystemsTraining
Rights and Responsibilities of Users
- Computer Management
- Administrator Accounts
- User Data
- Networking Devices
- Network Security
- File Sharing
- Printer Sharing
Engineering Projects
- Process for Obtaining Engineering Projects
- Engineering Project Agreement
- Project Conditions
Web Projects
- Making a Request
- Content Managed Websites
- Custom Web Applications
- Mobile (iOS/Android) Applications
- 3rd Party Web Applications
Computing Labs
- Teaching Labs
- Program and Research Labs
- OIT Open Access Labs
- OIT TEC Podiums or Media Access Cabinets
Terms and Conditions of Computer Us
General Information
This service level agreement is intended for the College of Life Sciences (CLS) at BYU. It describes the computing services provided to faculty and staff (i.e. clients) within the CLS. It will outline responsibilities of the Life Sciences IT (LSIT) office as well as its clients. It will also outline the procedures used to process requests and problems that are reported. Note that this is a living document and any policies listed below are subject to change at the discretion of LSIT.
LSIT Mission
The LSIT office is fully committed to providing strategic IT vision, leadership and solutions to empower college personnel to achieve their teaching, research and administrative goals. We provide these services by implementing industry best practices and trends in a timely, fair and professional manner consistent with BYU standards.
Service Requests
2. Service Requests
Hours of Operation
LSIT office hours are from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, except when the University is closed due to holidays, devotionals/forums, administrative closings, or inclement weather.
Contact Information
To report problems or request services for technology support:For computing supportEmail: lscsr@byu.eduPhone: 801-422-7178Website: (to submit a ticket online) For web development Email: lsweb@byu.eduPhone: 801-422-7449
Support Procedures
Life Sciences faculty and staff have the option to place service requests and report problems via telephone, email, or by opening a ticket directly in SciNET. If a Service Desk technician is assisting other customers, the customer will have the option to leave a message, email the IT Service Desk or use the self-service portal. The self-service portal is available at We encourage the use of the self-service portal, which automatically logs tickets into LSIT’s database directly thus adding your ticket in the queue immediately. Users who contact the LSIT for technology support need to provide the following information:Name, BYU ID, phone number, tag number of computer, location, office hoursProvide a clear description of the problemIf you do not need to be present, please provide an alternate contact person’s name and phone numberLSIT Procedures:Document the request or problemLog the ticket into the databaseAssign the ticketAll tickets logged in SciNET will be assigned to the appropriate technology support technician or appropriate support group within LSIT.The Service Desk technicians will contact the customer or the alternate contact to follow up on the ticket.Close the ticketAll actions taken to resolve the ticket will be recorded in the database. After the ticket is successfully resolved the ticket will be closed.High priority requests should always be phoned in to the LSIT Service Desk. Requests via email will be entered into the SciNET database as soon as possible. We will respond to email requests within one business day of receiving the email between 8 am – 5pm, Monday – Friday when the University is open. Responses to emails received after 5 pm will be answered the next business day.
Priorities and Response Times
The Service Desk will use the following guidelines in prioritizing requests and will strive to resolve incidents within the target timeframe. Actual resolutions may be shorter or longer depending on the volume and complexity of requests at any given time. However, a minimum of 80% of all requests should be satisfied within the target periods.
Priority | Criteria | Response Time | Completion Time |
High | Affects more than five individuals, or is mission critical and there is no workaround available Examples: File servers (L & M Drive) are not accessible; Printers are not available; computer with critical data won’t boot | Will call or page technicians for immediate response or within 4 hours | Within 4 hours or 1 business day |
Normal | Affects fewer than five people, workarounds available. Example: Can't check email through Outlook, but can still access email through | Within 1 business day | Within 3 business days |
Low | No affect on productivity, or unsupported software A service request that does not require immediate attention or involves long range planning Examples: Monitor showing up in black and white instead of color. CD runs without sound. | Within 3 business days | Within 5 business days |
Support Levels
The Service Desk consists of student employees and full time staff. The student employees are the first level of support and answer the phone and emails. They go on office visits to assist faculty and staff with their technology problems. The full time staff are the second level of support. They go on office visits to assist faculty and staff with computing technology, educate them on available and emerging technology, advise them on equipment purchases, resolve difficult tasks and recommend options.
Fully Supported
LSIT will use all available resources to address concerns or provide alternative solutions. When necessary, LSIT will work with hardware and software vendors to resolve issues.
Best Effort Support
LSIT will reasonably address concerns or provide alternative solutions only when resources are available. We will work with hardware and software vendors to resolve issues, but support may be limited to installing or re-installing software.
LSIT will not address these concerns. Problems with unsupported hardware or software need to be resolved by the user, by the vendor, or by contracting a private computer technician not affiliated with LSIT.
Hardware Support
3. Hardware Support
LSIT will provide full support for standardized computer hardware. Standardization is a key component to any efficient and productive support organization. Hardware must meet the listed recommendations to receive LSIT support. For mor info view the following article on hardware standardization.
LSIT CSR’s are available for consultations on purchasing hardware for campus faculty and staff. The LSIT office uses a standard computer image, which include a core set of software for all computers. The image is tested and verified to be stable and supportable.
Click here for a list of supported hardware
Computers that are out of warranty (4 years or older) are evaluated by the Service Desk to determine supportability. Support for older computers are limited and maintained on a case-by-case basis. We will make recommendations for purchasing a new one and help surplus the old.
Dell computer warranties can be checked here:
Apple computer warranties can be checked here:
To order a computer system with BYU funding that LSIT will setup and support, please contact Brent Runyan at x2-9795 or or Danny Yeo at x2-9764 or
The LSIT Office will only support LS standardized computers that are under warranty, owned by BYU, set up by the LSIT Office and bound to the BYU domain. Requests for exceptions will be evaluated by the LSIT Director on a case-by-case basis.
Faculty and staff who choose not to bind the computer to the BYU domain, or who choose not to allow LSIT to image and set up the computer, will not recieve LSIT support for that computer. Faculty and staff who elect not to have LSIT support must order computers without the assistance of the LSIT office.
Printers and Peripherals
LSIT provides limited support for a list of printers (see link below) and peripherals, and will install drivers and connect some of these devices to the BYU network. Support for other peripherals (scanners, instruments, webcams, etc.) is determined on a case-by-case basis, and is limited to driver installation.
We do not perform hardware maintenance on printers or peripherals. The Science Support shop may provide printer maintenance on certain models.
A list of supported printers can be found on the Approved Hardware List.
Cell Phones and Tablets
LSIT does not support cell phones and tablets. Please refer to the Office of IT’s website for email setup information:,b5067df00a0a3c0e21de554d96a1cc27
Retiree Support
The LSIT office will support retired faculty computers for up to three years from their official university retirement date, if the computer is owned by BYU, is still under manufacturer’s warranty, and was imaged by the LSIT office.
Surplusing Old Hardware
When new equipment is delivered, the equipment being replaced should be surplused through the LSIT Office unless a department chair and the LSIT Director approve an exception.
Personal Computing
The LSIT office does not support any hardware that is not owned by the College of Life Sciences. Also, LSIT only supports the faculty and staff members’ usage of computers purchased by BYU. Non Life Sciences personnel’s usage is not supported.
Outdated Hardware and Technology
LSIT does not support outdated technologies like floppies, zip/jazz drives, Palm Pilots, etc. These technology have been abandoned by the manufacturers and you should too.
Moving Computer Hardware
The faculty and staff are responsible for arranging the physical move of computers from one location to another. LSIT does not move computers from one location to another, provide storage space for new or old machines, or clear off the space needed for a computer setup.
Software Support
4. Software Support
BYU has negotiated special pricing with a variety of software vendors. The LSIT Office can inform you of pricing and availability for commonly used applications. Users are responsible for proof of purchase for all software licenses that they want installed.
Purchase and Installation
To purchase and schedule installation of a software application, please contact the LSIT office. We will verify supportability of the software and schedule a time for installation.
Approved Software
The LSIT Office will install software with site licenses at no charge to department. They will also configure the software and troubleshoot problems based on the support levels listed below.
The LSIT Office maintains an Approved Software Whitelist, which is divided into four levels:
Level 1 - Fully Supported (Core Software)
New or re-imaged computers will be configured with this set of software. This software has been well tested and is commonly used, and therefore fully supported.
Level 2 - Best Effort Support
This software will be supported with our "best effort", meaning that we may not have the resources to troubleshoot problems with these programs. This list includes previous versions of Level 1 software.
Level 3 - Specialty Software
Non-typical or highly specialized software is very difficult to support and is dependent on vendor support and availability of resources.
Level 4 - Unsupported Software
Any software that is not on the above lists will not be installed or supported by the CSR office. Beta and end-of-life software (no longer supported by the manufacturer) are not supported.
Typically software that is purchased by the University and offered with a site license is included in level 1 support. Faculty/staff may request to add software to level 2 or level 3 support. These requests must be submitted through the department chair. The LSIT office will review the request and verify the supportability and the compatibility of the software with existing applications. After thorough testing, and if the software is determined to be supportable, LSIT will add the software to level 2 or level 3 accordingly.
Faculty or staff are responsible to provide the media and proof of license for all software applications that are not site-licensed by BYU.
Operating Systems
The LSIT Office will only deploy and support approved and stable operating systems. New operating systems will be deployed after a satisfactory evaluation period. LSIT currently supports the following:
- Mac OS 10.12 or later
- Windows 7
- Windows 8
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 10
LSIT does not have the resources to provide training in the use of applications. The Office of IT (OIT) provides several training classes for general software titles. (
Rights and Responsibilities of Users
5. Rights and Responsibilities of Users
Computer Management
Supported Life Sciences computers must be bound to the BYU domain. The domain allows LSIT to maintain a stable, secure and responsive computing environment.
For more info, read the following article on the benefits of having your computer on the BYU domain.
Administrator Accounts
All users will be given rights as a “Standard User” on the computer. Administrator accounts are designed for system-wide changes and software installs and are used solely by the LSIT office for those functions.
With special approval from the department chair and the LSIT Director, users may acquire an administrator (admin-user) account. Inappropriate use of an admin-user account could result in inadvertent damage to the software and operating system. Therefore, clients with admin-user accounts agree to the following responsibilities and understandings:
Users are expected to keep a record, including dates and times, of all actions performed while using the admin-user account. Activity should be logged at using the official Administrator Changelog Form. Users should only use the admin-user account for urgent system changes (urgent software installations or urgent updates only) when LSIT is not available to assist in those changes. Users are expected to use their regular user account for daily computing.
Problems resulting from admin-user misuse, neglect or error will be resolved as follows:
After the user’s first infraction, the user will receive a warning from their department chair. LSIT will record the incident and the machine will be re-imaged to the college standard.
After the user’s second infraction the user will receive a warning from their department chair and the dean. LSIT will record the incident and the machine will again be re-imaged to the college standard.
After a third infraction LSIT will cease to support the user. However, should the user desire further support from LSIT, they will be required to relinquish their admin privileges and be assessed a $200 fine.
User Data
Users are ultimately responsible for their own data. LSIT does not have sufficient resources to recover lost or damaged data. LSIT can educate users on best practices and show users how to backup data. The University has purchased enough licenses of CrashPlan Pro to use as the backup application for each employee’s access computer. LSIT strongly recommends CrashPlan as a secure, reliable backup service and will assist users in CrashPlan installation and registration. Please contact LSIT service desk to have CrashPlan installed. LSIT does not provide data recovery services.
Networking Devices
The Office of IT (OIT) does what they can to provide ubiquitous wireless access. However, OIT wireless may not reach all areas of the buildings. BYU does not authorize the use of any wireless access points, routers, switches, or other networking devices on the campus network. However, with official approval from the LSIT director in consultation with OIT, exceptions may be made.
Network Security
If BYU network security or LSIT determines that any device on its network, supported or not, is a network security risk, that device may be disconnected from the network or shut down at any time without warning. These precautions ensure the privacy and safety of the data of the college and university.
Non BYU-owned devices may be connected to the BYU wireless network by using the “BYU Guest” or “BYU Secure” wireless networks. These devices are registered and monitored by OIT.
Any person desiring to connect their non BYU-owned personal computer, laptop, or personal digital device to BYU's wired network must register their device with the LSIT Office (475 WIDB, 422-7178). Failure to register wired devices will be considered trespassing on the BYU network. Trespassers will be given a warning and then be advised to ensure that their devices are in compliance. Repeated infractions may be subject to criminal prosecution.
File Sharing
Some network file sharing or Peer-to-Peer (P2P) applications create a security risk and are in violation of university policy. As such, they are not supported by LSIT. The LSIT Office provides the M Drive and L Drive as alternatives. The M Drive provides shared storage for a department to collaborate on documents and other files. The L Drive provides a small amount of personal storage that is backed up by LSIT.
Printer Sharing
The LSIT Office provides a print server to handle printing on the network. This service will work with approved printers that have a network adapter. Please contact LSIT for assistance in purchasing a network printer or to connect the printer to the print server.
Engineering Projects
6. Engineering Projects
The LSIT Engineering Team provides custom computing solutions and services to faculty and staff members in the College of Life Sciences. Examples of these services include the L and M drives, server backup and maintenance, and other custom server solutions such as GraphPad Prism, Specify, Phamerator, Compusense, etc. Such projects fall beyond the standard LSIT support and must be established through a separate agreement. Special projects are scheduled based on resource availability and staff expertise. Projects determined to be outside the scope of the College mission as determined by the Dean’s Office will need to be carried out by private vendors.
Process for Obtaining Engineering Projects
In order to request LSIT resources for Engineering projects, the following process must be completed:
The faculty or staff member must write a formal request to the LSIT Director via email or formal memo. This request should include the following:
- Intended purpose of the project
- Amount of resources required (hardware, software, engineering hours, maintenance, etc.)
- The intended users of the service
- The contact person responsible for the project
- Any other important information relating to the project
- Include Department Chair’s approval in email or memo
Engineering Project Agreement
Once the faculty or staff member and their Department Chair have sent their formal written request as described above to the LSIT Director, the request will be reviewed by the engineering team to determine if there are resources available to set up and maintain the project. If it is determined that there are resources available, the engineering team will meet with the requesting party and establish an Engineering Project Agreement.
The Engineering Project Agreement will establish the responsibilities and expectations for all parties involved. The Agreement also establishes timelines and longevity of the project.
Engineering Team projects will be reviewed annually by LSIT and the respective Department Chair for continued support and maintenance.
Project Conditions
If the conditions of the Engineering Project Agreement are not met, or if the process for obtaining support has not been followed, that project will not be supported by LSIT.
Web Projects
7. Web and Mobile Projects
The LS Web Team only provides content managed websites and custom web and mobile applications to faculty and staff members in the College of Life Sciences. Examples of these websites and applications include department home pages and professor lab websites, the LSIT ticket reporting system (SciNET), online resource scheduling applications, the Interactive Hematology app, etc. The following technologies are used to provide these services:
- ASP.NET using C#
- DotNetNuke CMS
- Windows Server / IIS
- Microsoft SQL Server
- HTML / Javascript / CSS
- Telerik RadControls
- PhoneGap
- iOS using Objective C
The LS Web Team is continually evaluating the best web and mobile technologies and development tools available. By making use of these tools, development time is minimized while still providing professional and quality services that follow industry best-practices.
The purpose of all websites developed and maintained by the LS Web Team is to further the mission of the College of Life Sciences.
Making a Request
Requesting a web site or application requires the creation of a service agreement, which includes department chair approval. To understand more about the types of services provided by the LS Web Team and/or to make a request please visit
Content Managed Websites
A Content Management System (CMS) allows users to easily create and edit web pages from within a web browser. It also provides a uniform look and feel to the site by using site-wide "skins", as well as providing pre-programmed solutions to common tasks through the use of "modules." It also provides a friendly interface so that users with little or no programming experience can easily manage their web site.
The CMS used in the College is called DNN (previously DotNetNuke). If you would like more information on this product, you can find their website at
Website owners are responsible for managing their own web content in accordance with the College of Life Sciences Web Content Guidelines ( The LS Web Team reserves the right to make non-functional changes to Content Managed pages to bring them into compliance with these guidelines.
Basic training in using the Content Management System (CMS) is available by appointment through the Life Sciences Web Team. There are also several tutorials available at Training in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc. are available through Office of Information Technology Training at
Custom Web Applications
If the requirements of a website extends beyond the functionalities that a Content Managed Website can offer, the LS Web Team may develop custom web applications to fulfill the requirements. The IT Applications Architect will consult with the requestor to determine the most effective method to provide the requested functionalities.
Mobile (iOS/Android) Applications
Due to increasing demand, the Dean’s office has determined that the LSIT Web Team will provide support within a limited scope for the creation of apps for iOS and Android devices. Specifically, before accepting any requests for the creation of a mobile application, the IT Applications Architect will meet with the principal requester to determine the scope of the project as well as its projected cost in terms of student labor and supplies. Only requests relating to the requester’s teaching, research, or University service will be considered. An agreement will then be created between LSIT and the principal requester outlining the scope of the project and the projected cost. The principal requester will then be responsible for securing funds to pay for the projected cost. Once the app is completed and deployed on the app store the IT Applications architect will present the principal requester with an invoice detailing the actual costs of the app’s development. The principal requester will then transfer the funds to LSIT. The principal requester will not be responsible for costs exceeding the initial estimate, nor will they be responsible for more than the actual development costs as stated in the final invoice, even if the actual costs are less than the initial estimate.
Requests for mobile applications may be submitted in the same manner as website requests, though due to the greater workload involved in creating and maintaining mobile applications LSIT reserves the right to deny or postpone requests for mobile apps, and will execute discretion when determining which platforms (i.e. iOS or Android) will be supported. When a request is received, the IT Applications Development Architect will meet with the requester to determine the need and the best technology to accomplish the task according to the following criteria:

In the event that the principal requester desires to license the application for profit they will need to meet with BYU’s office of creative works before proceeding. Per the University’s intellectual property policy, 27.5% of the profits from the app will go to the University, 27.5% will go to the college, and 45% will go to the requester. No portion of the 45% that goes to the principal requester will be given to LSIT or to LSIT personnel. Instead the Dean will determine, on a case-by-case basis, what portion of the College’s share of the royalties to be given to LSIT. If the principal requester chooses not to license the app then it will be distributed as educational software free of charge to either the general public or to currently enrolled BYU students, depending on the nature of the application.
3rd Party Web Applications
Life Sciences Web Team will only host and maintain approved websites and web applications. You must consult the Life Sciences IT Applications Architect on web projects that will use college resources for development, maintenance and/or hosting before committing to a project.
Computing Labs
8. Computing Labs
The LSIT Office provides support for many computing labs in the College of Life Sciences. Support levels for each type of lab are listed below:
Teaching LabsThe labs in 2018, 2142, 2144, and 2146 LSB are designated as teaching labs and are supported by the LSIT Office. The computers in these labs are re-imaged each year during summer term. Faculty and staff in Life Sciences are responsible to notify LSIT of the software needed to be installed in the labs prior to June 15th of each year. LSIT recommends submitting software installation requests as early as May 1st each year.
LSIT will install, test, and image the lab on June 15. Faculty and staff will have two weeks to test the functionality of the applications and notify LSIT of issues. The lab image will be finalized and frozen for the year on August 15. Because the software on these labs is critical to teaching and learning within the college it is vital that any needed software be submitted to LSIT as early as possible. This allows us time to properly test the software and ensure that the labs are ready for use by the time Fall Semester classes begin. Further, because any changes to the lab software image have the potential to interfere with other software on the system, LSIT will not make any changes to the image between August 15th and the following summer term.
Program and Research Labs
LSIT supports program lab computers (ie. 2037 LSB, MPH 1st and 2nd year, Dietetics, Anatomy, etc.) and individual faculty or group research lab computers. Additional software applications can be installed at the request of the faculty or staff responsible for the lab.
OIT TEC Podiums or Media Access Cabinets
LSIT does not support the TEC podiums or media access cabinets. OIT supports these products and can be contacted at 2-4000 for help and services.
Terms and Conditions of Computer Use
9. Terms and Conditions of Computer Use
As a student, staff or faculty of BYU, you are required to follow BYU standards including the Honor Code ( Accordingly, you must avoid accessing indecent or pornographic materials. The University reserves the right to monitor your computer use pursuant to the University's Computer and Electronic Communications General Use Policy. (
Violation of this policy may result in immediate termination of your employment or status at BYU, and referral to the Honor Code Office for other appropriate sanctions at the sole discretion and judgment of the University. The BYU policies for computer use can be found here:
Computer and Electronic Communications General Use Policy
Computer and Electronic Communications General Use (Procedures)
General safe computing guidelines can be found here: