Assembly Areas for the College of Life Sciences
Assembly Areas for the College of Life Sciences
For events that require evacuation from the building, all persons should move at least 50 feet away from the building for your safety and for firefighter accessibility. Do not re-enter the building until the fire alarm and strobe lights have been turned off and an all clear is given from university personnel.
Evacuation Procedures
In the case of fire alarm sounding, all individuals in the building must evacuate the premises and proceed to the designated assembly area. Evacuation is REQUIRED any time an alarm is sounded. Alarms may sound for other events other than a fire, such as a chemical release, that require evacuation.
What to do:
- If time and conditions permit, secure your workspace (turn off ignition sources, close chemical or biological containers, etc.).
- Follow instructions from emergency personnel and/or the building PA system.
- Check doors for heat before opening. Do not open door if it feels hot.
- Do not leave doors open once the room is evacuated.
- Walk – do not run. Do not push or crowd.
- Assist people with disabilities. Evacuation chairs have been placed in university buildings to aid evacuation of individuals with mobility impairment.
- Move quickly away from the building, at least 50 feet.
- Head to the designated assembly area, unless otherwise instructed.
- Keep roadways and walkways clear for emergency vehicles.
- Do not re-enter until instructed by university personnel.
Students check in with their supervisor or instructor once evacuation is complete. Report any known issues in the area you evacuated from such as a chemical spill.
Faculty and staff should communicate to their chair, department safety representative, the college safety officer or emergency personnel any concerns or issues in their area.
Instructor Responsibilities
In the case of an event requiring evacuation, instructors will always, and immediately, evacuate the building with their students. Instructors are responsible for ensuring all students have evacuated by remaining in the room or lab until the last student has exited.
Once evacuation is complete, instructors report persons and areas evacuated to the college or department emergency coordinators.
Do not leave until an "all clear" is received.
Emergency Procedures
The following emergency procedures are designed to help university employees and students respond appropriately when emergency conditions exist. This list does not cover all emergency types. Always use your best judgment to protect the welfare and safety of you and those around you during an emergency.
- Address life-threatening issues (first aid, safety of victims, etc.) within the scope of your knowledge or capabilities.
- Call University Police 801-422-0911 or 911 to report serious emergencies.
- Seal off high-risk areas and preserve scene.
- Notify the college safety officer.
- Keep written chronological notes.
- Refer news media to University Communications (801-422-4511).