About this Guide
We Have Two Goals.
We’re ready to tell a bigger story about BYU. The academic profile of our students, the quality of the experience we offer, and the level of scholarship we’re producing has never been higher; we’re more connected to and collaborative with the broader world than ever before. BYU is also an important emissary of the Church, and a strong brand helps us fulfill that role even more expansively.
We want to mitigate brand confusion. We share the BYU name with several other CES institutions of higher education, each of which has distinct missions, approaches, and audiences. We’re proud to be part of the thriving, student-centered, and innovative Churchwide education enterprise—one that affirms our theological imperative to educate. The brand we outline on these pages strives to create a clear and distinctive identity for our campus.
How We Got Here.
Our brand is the result of extensive research—because at BYU, we never do anything halfway.
We conducted interviews and group discussions with people from across the BYU community: leadership, faculty, staff, students, alumni, and donors. The insights we gathered became the basis for national brand research—both qualitative and quantitative—including surveys with students, faculty, staff, alumni, employment partners, Church members, and the general public as well as focus groups and individual interviews with key audiences.
Our research helped us establish what audiences already know about BYU and what they give us credit for, what they find emotionally compelling, and what they don’t understand or don’t know about us. We also uncovered different levels of affiliation among different audiences. Everything we learned guided the development of messaging for BYU, which we then tested with alumni, students, faculty, staff, and BYU communicators. The messages on this site are the final result of this process.
Let's Get to Work.
We’re building on your talents and understanding as a BYU communicator. This guide is not intended to narrowly proscribe what you do. We’ve set parameters and provided inspiration for telling stories with purpose, discipline, and strategy.
Thanks for everything you do on behalf of all those who live and learn beneath the Y.
If you have questions, please contact BYU Brand & Creative.