Brand Platform - BYU Life Sciences Skip to main content

Brand Platform

When we say we want everyone on the same page, this is the page we’re talking about.

THE BRAND PLATFORM is divided into two parts: functional elements and emotional/aspirational elements.

  • Functional elements tell how we are distinctive among our competitors.
  • Emotional/aspirational elements elaborate the emotional rewards of affiliating with us - this is the key to compelling storytelling.

Functional Elements

The BYU Mission

Excerpted from The Mission of Brigham Young University and The Aims of Education, approved 1981.

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The mission of Brigham Young University—founded, supported, and guided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—is to assist individuals in their quest for perfection and eternal life. That assistance should provide a period of intensive learning in a stimulating setting where a commitment to excellence is expected and the full realization of human potential is pursued
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The Core Brand Narrative

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For the Benefit of the World

We believe a world yearning for hope and joy needs a different model of university. At Brigham Young University, belief enhances inquiry, study amplifies faith, and revelation leads to rich understanding. Teaching and research are both valued, and excellence and affordability go hand in hand. As the flagship higher education institution of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, BYU strives to be among the exceptional universities in the world and an essential university for the world.
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Proof Points

These proof points assert our difference in two contexts: among all institutions of higher education, and among our sister institutions in the Church Educational System. They provide evidence that our brand is supportable and verifiable.

Differentiating Factors in the Higher Education Landscape

  • A doctoral research institution focused on undergraduate education, devoted to the doctrines and values of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and committed to the “balanced development of the total person”
  • One of the most affordable institutions in the nation
  • One of the largest faith-based schools in the United States
  • Commitment to undergraduate involvement in primary research
  • An undergraduate student community of exceptional maturity: many students have served missions, and many are married
  • International emphasis: a leader in study-abroad programs and language instruction (63 languages taught regularly)
  • A tradition of success and integrity in intercollegiate athletics
  • The only major athletic program in the nation that doesn’t compete or practice on Sundays
  • No. 1 “Stone-Cold Sober” school for more than two decades (Princeton Review)

Differentiating Factors in the CES Landscape

  • Selective admissions
  • Rigorous academics
  • Academic scale: extensive bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs
  • Integration not only of faith and reason but also of teaching and research
  • Wide and deep engagement with the world: faculty scholarship, off-campus experiential learning opportunities, industry collaborations, nationally recognized academic programs, intercollegiate athletics, and performances around the globe by touring groups

Emotional/Aspirational Elements

Big Idea

The primary lens or filter for storytelling - what makes a story a BYU story.

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World-Class and Faithful
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The Why

The “and” marks the change in how we approach our storytelling: we can speak the language of faith and the language of the academy—you can be first-class in any discipline and still be a devout believer. We also want audiences to know that we actively and successfully reconcile faith and academic freedom. Ultimately, we want audiences to think of BYU as being among the most impressive faith-based institutions in the US.


The personification of the messaging, so it goes beyond a list of attributes.

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The disciple-scholar who guides students to pursue excellence in the service of God and His children.
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The Why

“Excellence” speaks to our selectivity, our high standards for academic achievement, the quality and intellectual ambitions of our faculty, and our commitment to open inquiry. But we don’t pursue prestige or reputation for its own sake. We’ve been able to hold fast to our Church and our beliefs and still achieve excellence. It’s also worth noting that in an era of higher education retrenchment, BYU is committed to both overall excellence—not privileging certain fields or disciplines—and pushing back the horizons of learning.


The promise that BYU makes to anyone who affiliates with us.

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By uniting faith with reason and teaching with research, BYU makes a distinctive and profound impact on the world.
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The Why

We address a prevalent perception about higher education that faith, reason, teaching (especially for undergraduates), and research are mutually exclusive—or at the very least involve trade-offs. We are dedicated to discovery and the pursuit of truth wherever it takes us. This also reinforces our “Go forth to serve” motto and establishes that there is a BYU “signature” to our ideas and impact.