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Matthew Seeley

Exercise Sciences

106 SFH - Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602


Matthew Seeley earned BS and MS degrees in Exercise Sciences from Utah State University. He earned a PhD in Exercise Sciences, with an emphasis in biomechanics, from the University of Kentucky. He has been teaching courses and conducting research in the BYU Exercise Sciences Department since 2006.

Research Interests

Most of Dr. Seeley's research efforts are designed to increase current knowledge concerning biological and biomechanical mechanisms that influence knee joint articular cartilage health. He aims to better understand how physical activity, and the associated biomechanics, might influence knee joint articular cartilage health.

Teaching Interests

Dr. Seeley teaches undergraduate and graduate courses concerning human biomechanics, specifically with applications in physical activity and sport. He teaches sections of the required EXSC 362, Kinesiology and Biomechanics. He also teaches an elective course, EXSC 462, Clinical Biomechanics, that involves undergraduate students in both the EXSC and Mechanical Departments. EXSC 462 is cross listed in both departments. He also teaches a graduate level course (EXSC 663) concerning research methods in biomechanics. Finally, he is taking the lead in the creation of a new department course that will be team taught and consider various motor control factors (e.g., neurophysiology, musculoskeletal anatomy, and biomechanics).

Licenses and Certifications

  • National Athletic Trainers Association, Certified Athletic Trainer (2001 - Present)

Honors and Awards

  • Outstanding Research Award, BYU College of Life Sciences (2019 - 2019)
  • Visiting Scholar Award 2017, American College of Sports Medicine (2017 - 2018)
  • Faculty Mentor for the Best Research Presentation From an Undergraduate Student, National Athletic Trainers Association (2008 - 2008)
  • Outstanding Recent Graduate, Department of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Utah State University (2008 - 2008)
  • Outstanding Recent Graduate Award, College of Education, Utah State University (2008 - 2008)


  • American Society of Biomechanics (2003 - Present)
  • National Athletic Trainers Association (2001 - Present)
  • American College of Sports Medicine (2000 - Present)

Professional Citizenship

  • Editorial Review Board Member, Journal of Sport Rehabilitation (2014 - Present)

Courses Taught


Matthew K Seeley Hyunwook Lee Jun Seong Son Mattie Timmerman Mariah Lindsay Jon Tyson Hopkins Seunguk Han Jun Seong Son Hyunsoo Kim Hyunwook Lee Matthew K Seeley Jon Tyson Hopkins Hyunwook Lee Seunguk Han Garritt L Page Dustin Andrew Bruening Matthew K Seeley Jon Tyson Hopkins Ulrike Hildegard Mitchell Hyunwook Lee Hayden E Dennis Matthew K Seeley Matthew K Seeley William Matt Denning Jihong Park Kaitland Croft W Zachary Horton Jon Tyson Hopkins Hyunwook Lee Jun Son Hyunsoo Kim Seunguk Han Matthew K Seeley Jon Tyson Hopkins Matthew K Seeley Seong Jun Son Hyunsoo Kim Jon Tyson Hopkins Brian G Pietrosimone Hope Davis-Wilson Matthew K Seeley Christopher Johnston Jeffrey T Spang R Alexander Creighton Ganesh M Kamath J Troy Blackburn McKenzie S White William Z Horton Julie P Burland Matthew K Seeley Lindsay K Lepley P Sage Anderson Aubrey R Odom Hunter M Gray Jordan B Jones William F Christensen Todd Hollingshead Joseph G Hadfield Alyssa Evans-Pickett Megan Frost Christopher E Wilson Lance E Davidson Matthew K Seeley Alyssa Evans-Pickett Hope C Davis-Wilson Brittany A Luc-Harkey J Troy Blackburn Darin A Padua Matthew K Seeley Brian G Pietrosimone Matthew K Seeley Alyssa Evans-Pickett Gavin Q. Collins James B. Tracy Noelle J. Tuttle Parker G. Rosquist Aaron Jake Merrell William F Christensen David T Fullwood Anton E Bowden Hope C Davis-Wilson Steven J Pfeiffer Christopher D Johnston Matthew K Seeley Matthew S Harkey J Troy Blackburn Ryan P Fockler Jeffrey T Spang Brian G Pietrosimone Sunku Kwon Dustin A Bruening Steven J Morrin Dillon Kunz Jon Tyson Hopkins Matthew K Seeley Aaron W Johnson C. N. Warcup Matthew K Seeley Dennis Lee Eggett Jeffrey Brent Feland Juihi Lee Gen Li William F F. Christensen Gavin Collins Matthew K Seeley Anton E Bowden David T Fullwood Jeff Goldsmith Hope Davis-Wilson Steven J Pfeiffer Christopher D Johnston Matthew K Seeley Matthew S Harkey J T Blackburn Ryan P Fockler Jeffery T Spang Brian G Pietrosimone Hyunsoo Kim Jun Son Matthew K Seeley Jon Tyson Hopkins Jihui Lee Gen Li William F Christensen Gavin Collins Matthew K Seeley Anton E Bowden David T Fullwood Jeff Goldsmith Hyunsoo Kim Jun Son Matthew K Seeley Jon Tyson Hopkins Jon Tyson Hopkins Hyunsoo Kim Jun Son Garritt L Page Matthew K Seeley Jun Son Hyunsoo Kim Matthew K Seeley Jon Tyson Hopkins Hope Davis Brittany Luc-Harkey Matthew K Seeley J Troy Blackburn Brian G Pietrosimone Brian G Pietrosimone Matthew K Seeley Christopher Johnston Steven J Pfeiffer Jeff T Spang J T Blackburn Alyssa Evans Gavin Collins Parker Rosquist Noelle Tuttle Steven J Morrin James Tracy A J Merrell William F Christensen David T Fullwood Anton E Bowden Matthew K Seeley Michael Sanders Anton E Bowden Spencer Baker Ryan Jense McKenzie Nichols Matthew K Seeley Evan Bird Aaron Jacob Merrell Parker Rosquist Adin Martineau Anton E Bowden Matthew K Seeley David T Fullwood Hyunsoo Kim Jun Son Matthew K Seeley Jon Tyson Hopkins David T Fullwood Evan T Bird Anton E Bowden Matthew K Seeley Jihong Park William Matt Dennin Jordan Pitt Devin Francom Jon Tyson Hopkins Matthew K Seeley Sunku Kwon Robin Pfister Ronald L Hager Iain Hunter Matthew K Seeley S Son H Kim Matthew K Seeley Jon Tyson Hopkins Matthew K Seeley S Son H Kim Jon Tyson Hopkins Robert Douglas Hyldahl Alyssa Evans Sunku Kwon Sarah Elizabeth Trager Ridge Eric Robinson Jon Tyson Hopkins Matthew K Seeley James Tracy Noelle Tuttle Parker Rosquist A Jake Merrell Gavin Collins Matthew K Seeley Anton E Bowden David T Fullwood William F Christensen Evan Bird A Jake Merrell Adin Martineau Parker Rosquist Matthew K Seeley Anton E Bowden David T Fullwood SeongJun Son Hyunsoo Kim Matthew K Seeley Jeffrey Brent Feland Christopher Shane Reese Jon Tyson Hopkins J Park W Denning J Pitt D Francom Jon Tyson Hopkins Matthew K Seeley Cory Newton A Jake Merrell David T Fullwood Anton E Bowden Matthew K Seeley Evan Bird Jake Merrell Brady Anderson Cory Newton Parker Rosquist David T Fullwood Anton E Bowden Matthew K Seeley William Matt Denning Michael Becker Pardo Jason G Winward Iain Hunter Sarah Elizabeth Trager Ridge Jon Tyson Hopkins Christopher Shane Reese Allen Clive Parcell Matthew K Seeley William Matt Denning Jason G Winward Michael B Pardo Jon Tyson Hopkins Matthew K Seeley Hyunsoo Kim SeongJun Son Matthew K Seeley Jon Tyson Hopkins Sarah Earl Iain Hunter Gary W Mack Matthew K Seeley Kazuto Sakita Matthew K Seeley Joseph William Myrer Jon Tyson Hopkins Krista M. Prusak Keven A Prusak Iain Hunter Matthew K Seeley Jon Tyson Hopkins William M Denning Jason G Winward Michael B Pardo Matthew K Seeley William M Denning Scott Woodland Jason G Winward Michael G Leavitt Allen Clive Parcell Jon Tyson Hopkins Devin Francom Matthew K Seeley Iain Hunter Matthew K Seeley Jon Tyson Hopkins Cameron Carr Jared J Franson Matthew K Seeley Jihong Park Daniel King Jon Tyson Hopkins Ruthann Cunningham Iain Hunter Matthew K Seeley Jeffrey Brent Feland Maggie Chan-Roper Iain Hunter Joseph William Myrer Dennis Lee Eggett Matthew K Seeley Iain Hunter Matthew K Seeley Jon Tyson Hopkins Cameron Carr Jared J Frandson Matthew K Seeley Merrill D Funk William Matthew Denning Ronald L Hager Jon Tyson Hopkins Taubi T Neves Aaron W Johnson Joseph William Myrer Matthew K Seeley Matthew K Seeley Iain Hunter Thomas D Bateman Adam M Roggia Brad J Larson David O Draper Matthew K Seeley Brian R Umberger Jody L Clasey Robert Shapiro John Rice Matthew K Seeley Matthew K Seeley Brian R Umberger Robert Shapiro


Marlee Mason Alyssa Evans Sunku Kwon Merry Taylor Neal Kepler Bangerter Matthew K Seeley
Matthew K Seeley Chris Johnston Steven Pfeiffer Jeff Spang J Troy Blackburn Brian G Pietrosimone
A. Evans Robert Douglas Hyldahl Sarah Elizabeth Trager Ridge S. Kwon Jon Tyson Hopkins E. Robinson Matthew K Seeley
Alyssa Evans Noelle Tuttle Steve Morrin James Tracy Parker Rosquist Jake Merrell Gavin Collins William F Christensen David T Fullwood Anton E Bowden Matthew K Seeley
A. Evans Robert Douglas Hyldahl Sarah Elizabeth Trager Ridge S. Kwon Jon Tyson Hopkins E. Robinson Matthew K Seeley
S. Kwon M. Mason A. Evans M. Taylor Neal Kepler Bangerter Jon Tyson Hopkins Matthew K Seeley
A. Evans N. Tuttle S. Morrin J. Tracy P. Rosquist G. Collins William F Christensen David T Fullwood Anton E Bowden Matthew K Seeley
Matthew K Seeley S Son H Kim Jon Tyson Hopkins
Matthew K Seeley
Matthew K Seeley A Evans Robert Douglas Hyldahl S Kwon Sarah Elizabeth Trager Ridge E Robinson Jon Tyson Hopkins
S Kwon R Pfister Iain Hunter Ronald L Hager Matthew K Seeley
W Denning J Park J Pitt Jon Tyson Hopkins Matthew K Seeley
A Evans Sarah Elizabeth Trager Ridge Robert Douglas Hyldahl S Kwon Jon Tyson Hopkins E Robinson Matthew K Seeley
Hyunsoo Kim SeongJun Son Matthew K Seeley Jon Tyson Hopkins
SeongJun Son Hyunsoo Kim Brian Wiseman Matthew K Seeley Jon Tyson Hopkins
Jon Tyson Hopkins Hyunsoo Kim Jun Son Christopher Shane Reese Ryan Roundy Matthew K Seeley
Matthew K Seeley Jordan Pitt Jihong Park William Matt Denning Devin Francom Jon Tyson Hopkins
William Denning Michael B Pardo Jason G Winward Iain Hunter Sarah Elizabeth Trager Ridge Jon Tyson Hopkins Allen Clive Parcell Matthew K Seeley
William M Denning Michael Becker-Pardo Jason G Winward Allen Clive Parcell Jon Tyson Hopkins Christopher Shane Reese Matthew K Seeley
William M Denning Michael Becker-Pardo Jason G Winward Allen Clive Parcell Jon Tyson Hopkins Christopher Shane Reese Matthew K Seeley
Matthew K Seeley Jon Tyson Hopkins Jihong Park
Matthew K Seeley Jordan Pitt Jihong Park Chartrand Sydney Cory Cosgrave Devin Francom Jon Tyson Hopkins
William M Denning Scott Woodland Iain Hunter Jon Tyson Hopkins Matthew K Seeley
Matt Gage Jon Tyson Hopkins Matthew K Seeley David O Draper Iain Hunter Jeffrey Brent Feland Joseph William Myrer Richard R Sudweeks
Alyssa Smyres Aaron W Johnson Ulrike Hildegard Mitchell Joseph William Myrer Jeffrey Brent Feland Matthew K Seeley Caisa Brooks Bartley B Mortensen James Anderson
Aaron W Johnson Rachel Sommerfeldt Ulrike Hildegard Mitchell Matthew K Seeley James David George
Ronald L Hager Sylvia Wilcox Barbara D Lockhart Matthew K Seeley James David George
Iain Hunter Ruthann Cunningham Matthew K Seeley Jeffrey Brent Feland
Matthew K Seeley Aaron W Johnson Jihong Park Daniel King Jon Tyson Hopkins
Matthew Seeley