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Major Exploration

Major Exploration

Not sure what to major in? Below are things to consider and information to help you decide. If instead, you want to learn more about specific majors in our college, you can find that information here.

Things to Consider:

  • What are you interested in learning about?
  • How will a particular major help you to go forth and serve?
  • What foundation will it provide for your plans after graduation (your career and/or grad school)?
  • “A major will not predict or guarantee your future” (Princeton Review).
  • A major can help you gain skills, knowledge, and experiences that employers are seeking.
  • There are no “easy” majors. Every major will include challenges and opportunities to help students grow and learn skills.

Available Resources:

Life Sciences Advisement
General Information about each major is provided on the LSA website

Course Catalog
Allows you to review every required class, course descriptions, and learning outcomes.

Course Syllabi
Allows you to look at course syllabi for more detailed course information

Learning Outcomes
Allows you to compare what students who complete various majors are expected to know and do.

A ½ credit class taught every fall and winter semester where faculty from every Life Sciences department will come and share their majors with students.

Introductory Classes
Some majors have introductory classes to help students learn more about the major. Find the common introductory courses that many Life Science majors require here.

MYMAP Plan Tab
This tool allows you to see how many courses you have completed in your major/minor. The link “Explore Other Majors and Minors” in the Tools box on the bottom left of MyMAP also allows you to see how many courses you have completed in another major/minor you are considering.

BYU Career Services
Get help to find jobs, perfect your resume, practice with mock interviews, and much more!

Meet with Faculty in the Major
Ask about the major, requirements, experiential learning, and career opportunities.

Meet with an Academic Advisor
Meet with an academic advisor in 2060 LSB. Academic advisors are knowledgeable about Life Sciences majors and can help you with further questions. If you aren't sure you want to major in the Life Sciences, meet with an advisor in the University Advisement Center.

Still unsure which major is right for you?

  • See all of the above resources if you haven’t already done so.
  • STDEV 117 - Career Exploration Course: Applying theories of individual, academic, and career development to the university student. Exploring university opportunities and college majors; graduation planning.
  • Career assessments. As a BYU student you have access to several career assessments which are either free or have a minimal fee ($10-$20 dollars).
  • Meet with an advisor in the University Advisement Center (2500 WSC). They can review your assessment results with you and further discuss majors and interests.