Academic Improvement Plans - BYU Life Sciences Skip to main content

Academic Improvement Plans

If you are on academic warning, probation, or continued academic probation:

How do you return back to good standing?

  1. Take 6+ graded BYU credits and earn a 2.0 GPA or higher.
  2. Overall BYU GPA must be 2.0 or higher to return to good standing. (

What do you need to do in order to remove the registration block from your records?

  1. Complete the Academic Improvement Plan (AIP) online here
  2. Schedule an appointment with your Academic Advisor to review your AIP.
  3. After your advisor meets with you, they will submit your AIP to the Academic Support Office and they remove the hold within 1-2 business days.

Other Available Resources

Life Sciences Advisement

LSA advisors can discuss campus resources available to help students improve their GPA. Give us a call at 801-422-3042 to schedule an appointment.

University Accessibility Center

Location: 2170 WSC (behind Subway in the Cougareat), 801-422-2767,

UAC services include providing disability-related academic and housing accommodations, psycho-educational testing, and more."The UAC seeks to provide students with disabilities equal access to all opportunities at BYU and to create an environment that facilitates learning and assists students in reaching their full potential. At the very least, the UAC can provide a supportive environment where you can discuss your concerns with a qualified coordinator and receive some direction."

On-Campus Tutoring Assistance

Student Development Courses

More info can be found at

These courses are designed to help each unique student develop the skills necessary for an ultimate academic career, and life success. These courses may not fulfill major requirements.

Your Professor and TAs

Many professors have great suggestions on how to be successful in their classes. Meeting with TAs is a great way to review material and ask questions. Visit professors and TAs during their office hours. If your schedule conflicts with their office hours, email them to set up another time to meet.

Records Office

Location: D155 ASB, 801-422-2631,

Petitions - A resource for students whose poor academic performance was a result of extenuating circumstances not related to academics but affected a student’s academics (Death of a close relative, illness or injury including depression). Students may submit a petition to withdraw from courses. Meet with your Life Sciences Advisor for more information.

Incomplete Contracts, You may request an incomplete grade (I) from your instructor if you had a nonacademic emergency (serious illness, personal injury, death in the immediate family, etc.) occur after the discontinuance deadline. An incomplete contract allows you to have up to one year to complete the unfinished coursework with your instructor. If the contract is not completed, a failing grade (IE) will be given.


Reduce work hours in order to increase study hours. Many students are unable to achieve their GPA goal because they are working too many hours during the semester. We recommend 15 hours or less of work per week.