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Class Planning and Registration

Planning and Registration

Class planning is an important part of college life. Students who spend time planning and becoming familiar with their program requirements usually navigate through college more effectively.

Visit the Enrollment Services website here for information on how to register for classes.

Before meeting with an advisor about class planning, you must become familiar with MyMAP.

MyMAP is a powerful tool for planning classes. As advisors, we highly recommend using it for all of your class planning. View these links to learn more about MyMAP:

Make sure you look for small question marks around MyMAP. These give helpful information about how to use MyMAP.

An additional feature added since the videos were produced is under Tools. Once you have planned courses click on View Planned Courses to see your plan by semester.

MyMap Tools sidebar screenshot.png

Once you have everything planned it is very easy to move classes, just click View Planned Courses and then click "Move", for the course you want to change, and you can quickly change the course to another semester.

Planned Courses Exercise Sciences screenshot.png

Your Progress Report will show you the progress in GEs and major.
There are many other helpful tools you can explore as well: