Academic Resources
Keep in mind that the Teaching Assistants (TAs) for your courses are your first and best resource!
On-Campus Tutoring Assistance
- Life Sciences Learning Center (2058 LSB)
- Research and Writing Center
(3340 HBLL) - Math Lab
(155 TMCB) - Chemistry Help Labs
- Available for Chem 101, 105, 106 in W152 BNSN
- Available for Chem 285, 351, 352 in W151 BNSN
- Chem 111 Tutorial Lab Located in C230 and C231 BNSN
- American Heritage
- Available from 9 to 4 Monday through Friday in room 2218 HBLL
- BYU Library
- Group Study Rooms
- Software Training Labs
(4725 HBLL) - Sewing Machines
(4735 HBLL)
- Group Study Rooms
- BYU Student Success Center
- Peer Mentoring
- Tutoring
- Academic Coaching
- Learning Lab
- Monday–Friday, 12–4:00 p.m. 451 HCEB
- Peer Mentoring
- Y-Serve Tutors
(2330 WSC/2010 WSC)
Student Development Courses
- STDEV 100
- Essential College Skills - STDEV 109
- Effective Study and Learning - STDEV 117
- Career Exploration - STDEV 120
- International Student Orientation - STDEV 205
- Success in College Reading - STDEV 214R
- Special Topics in Student Development - STDEV 305
- Advanced Reading Strategies for College Success
Other Helpful Resources
Pre-Professional Advisement
Resources for students seeking graduate degrees.
University Advisement Center
Haven't chosen a major yet? The University Advisement Center can help.
University Accessibility Center
Helping students with disabilities achieve equal opportunity at BYU.
Records Office
Your source for all official BYU records.