One Stop College News
Breaking Bread and Crafting Cheese in Gene Ahlborn’s Lab
Inspired to help his daughter, Dr. Gene Ahlborn works to create gluten-free concoctions, healthier cheeses, and other foods in his lab.
Improving Athletes One Step at a Time: Dr. Iain Hunter’s Lab
Dr. Hunter and his team conduct research on running to improve athlete performance and analyze the effectiveness of racing footwear.
Protecting Health at Home: Dr. Jim Johnston’s Lab
Do you know what's in the air you breathe? Dr. Johnston's lab focuses on combating the invisible threats of poor indoor air quality that can cause negative health effects.
BYU Life Science PhD student researches diet and lifestyle influence on Alzheimer's Disease.
PhD student, Erin Saito, explores impairments in glucose metabolism in Alzheimer's disease, which may play a significant role in disease progression.
Researching vaccine attitudes: BYU life science student is published by age 20
Living with an autoimmune disease motivated BYU life science student Kendall Pogue (PH) to actively engage in researching the influencing factors towards vaccination attitudes.
River bugs to clouded leopards: BYU plant and wildlife student is knee deep in research
Grabbing her waiter boots and a net, BYU plant & wildlife student Maddy Tidwell heads out to the stream to study how ecosystems come back to life after a huge ecological disturbance. Engaging in inspiring learning, she explores her options in genomics and conservation through mentored research.
Looking One Step Behind
Dr. Britlyn Orgill has connected more than 150 of BYU's premedical students with internships at premier R1 research institutions across the country, work she's added on top of her comedy and anesthesiology careers.
Be The Match—Save a Life
Dr. Julianne Grose’s family made it their mission to run stem cell donor registration drives, and almost 50 students have donated to blood-cancer patients since she started.
Skating Across the Finish Line into the Hall of Fame
As a high school senior, Barbara Lockhart qualified for the United States Speedskating Team. She was recently inducted into the US Speedskating Hall of Fame.
Reducing the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria
Serious infections due to antibiotic-resistant bacteria are on the rise. How can you help stop the spread? Microbiology and Molecular Biology professor Julianne Grose suggests five simple ways you can reduce the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Using high intensity interval training to overcome obstacles to exercise
There are many obstacles that keep us from working out regularly. Three common hindrances include finding a suitable program, lacking time, and craving results. Exercise Sciences professor Jayson Gifford’s research lab is scientifically addressing these obstacles. Gifford proposes High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) as a solution to these three most common obstacles.
Eating healthy on a budget
As a busy college student, it’s difficult to fight the allure of fast food. While its convenience and prices are unmatched, eating fast food regularly can lead to nutritional deficits and an overall unhealthy lifestyle. In the effort to win the war against fast food, dietetics student Sydney Means ('21) offers a few tips to eat healthy on a budget.
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