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Life Sciences Undergraduate Research Poster Competition

The Life Sciences Undergraduate Research Poster Competition last week was a huge success and we’d like to thank all who supported and encouraged students to participate.

The Life Sciences Undergraduate Research Poster Competition last week was a huge success and we’d like to thank all who supported and encouraged students to participate. In addition to the 30+ students who submitted posters, many other students, faculty, and staff members attended the open house last Thursday to learn more about the varied and exciting research being conducted throughout the college.

For those who were unable to attend the open house, we’d like to announce the poster competition winners:

1st place: Karma Phillips, Dallin Whitaker, Rebecca Schenk, Ryan Call, Bruce Roundy, and Matthew Madsen

Department of Plant & Wildlife Sciences

“Hydrophobic Seed Coatings for Improving Rangeland Restoration: Fall Reseeding”


2nd Place: Jeffrey Zhao, Savannah Grossarth, Riley Driscoll, Frances Payne, McKenzie Hatcher, and Laura C. Bridgewater

Department of Microbiology and Molecular Biology

“Combating Obesity through Gut Microbiome Targeted Phage Therapy”


3rd Place: Caitlyn McNary, Jennifer Kearl, and Brent L. Nielsen

Department of Microbiology & Molecular Biology

“The Soil Microbiome of Utah Halophytes”


Congratulations to all of the poster competition winners! Thank you again for your continuing support of student research. We look forward to future collaboration on this and other student research opportunities.