When we speak of inspiring learning at BYU, we have two meanings in mind. First, we seek to create educational opportunities that inspire and motivate our students to learn. Second, as we teach students in the language of scholarship and faith, we expect their learning to lead to inspiration and revelation.
In this issue of Impact, we highlight some of the inspiring learning opportunities available to students in the College of Life Sciences, such as working with young athletes to ignite a desire for lifelong health through physical activity and creating a hydroponic farming system to provide nutritious produce to those in need. The students involved in these ongoing projects are developing scientific and leadership skills. They are also learning how to access personal revelation and inspiration to guide their work.
In addition, you will read about our Spiritually Strengthening Professor Award and the efforts made across our college to connect faith and science in every setting. Each semester, students nominate a professor who brings the spirit into their classroom or research program. One student described a professor who won the award as someone who "motivates me to search for the Savior" and "pushes me to do my own spiritual work."
The blessings of BYU's focus on its dual heritage of "by study and by faith" are evident in our students' lives as they strive to invite the spirit into their educational and inspiring learning experiences.
Respectfully yours,

Laura C. Bridgewater
Dean, College of Life Sciences