Our college’s vision is to “inspire learning and discovery in the life sciences for the benefit of the world.” We aspire to cultivate an environment of learning and discovery in an atmosphere of faith that leads to the development of academically excellent individuals with the Christlike attributes of compassion, respect, and kindness. Individuals like this benefit the world as they contribute to their families, communities, businesses, and churches.
You will see in this issue how the active learning our students are engaged in has led to discoveries that are benefitting the world. For example, a team of students and faculty members has developed an innovative way to modify the microbiome of crops to increase their salt tolerance, which has the potential to improve food security in places throughout the world where progressive soil salinization is inhibiting crop production. You’ll also learn about a recent study on food insecurity among college students that has paved the way for better solutions and about novel inventions made by teams of faculty and students that address various aspects of human health.
As we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Life Sciences Building, which provides beautiful laboratories, classrooms, and collaborative spaces for learning and discovery, we invite you to join us in rejoicing. The blessing of this building has generated countless subsequent blessings in the lives of those who work and study here and those who benefit from their discoveries.
Warm regards,

Laura C. Bridgewater
Dean, College of Life Sciences