We are all familiar with the slogan located at the west entrance of BYU, “The World is Our Campus.” Nothing epitomizes this idea more than our college’s international programs and research collaborations. I hope you enjoy reading about some of these international experiences in this edition of the magazine.
How many times have you heard the advice, “Eat your fruits and vegetables”? But what if you lived in a place where there just weren’t enough of these healthy foods available year round? Mongolia has a growing season of just over three months and is so remotely located that there are significant challenges to the import of fruits and vegetables from surrounding countries.
In this edition of the Life Sciences Magazine, you will read the story of how professors and students from our Food Science Program are working with Mongolian government officials, educators, and farmers to make a difference and improve food storage and safety. If successful, this program will have an enormous impact.
When students have the opportunity to make meaningful contributions in projects throughout the world, they receive valuable experiences far beyond what they can get while on the 560 acres of BYU campus in Provo, Utah. They gain knowledge and appreciation of different cultures, different climates, different problems, and different needs. Students also have the potential to make an important positive impact around the world, like in Mongolia.