"I was too afraid to go to career services as a student. It sounded like I needed to have my life together before I met with them, but the truth is that you don't. You can come in and say, 'I really have no idea what I'm doing with my life,' and we'll say, 'Great, let's talk!'" - Sterling May

Sterling May, a new career director in the College of Life Sciences, loves to talk about possibilities and connections. He looks forward to assisting students in their career plans and connecting them with possible employers. By helping students build these important bridges, May hopes to eases students’ stress and help them find jobs more easily.
May’s career path began at BYU after completing a degree in American studies. His first full-time job was developing the student hangout and restaurant, “The Wall.” He managed the bowling and games center in the Wilkinson Center and later became operations manager for the campus student center. He then went on to earn an MBA in the BYU Marriott School of Business.
After graduating with his master's degree, May took a job with Proctor & Gamble (P&G) hiring Ph.D.s, doctors, and dentists to develop products for the company's research and development organization. Working with these researchers and professionals provided May with a valued perspective on career options for life science students.
Even while working as a human resources manager at P&G, May integrated career services into his work. He made time to assist P&G employees and take calls from BYU students to offer valuable insights and techniques for navigating career choices. Thus, returning to BYU to work in career services full-time was the perfect fit.
“I love my work. I’m glad BYU pays me, but I’d do it for free because I love helping students figure out what [they’re] going to do.”
In addition to helping students find the career of their dreams, May enjoys beat boxing: “I’m not very good at all; I just enjoy it.”