Winners of the 2022 Life Sciences Photo Contest - BYU Life Sciences Skip to main content

Winners of the 2022 Life Sciences Photo Contest

Congratulations to the winners of the Life Sciences photo contest! Winners were chosen in two categories, Inspiring Learning and Artistic Merit. Read their stories behind the photos below.

Inspiring Learning

Congratulate the winners on the Life Sciences Instagram!

A little boy with dark hair side hugs a blond man wearing a hat.
Photo by Isaac Stirland

Isaac Stirland – 1st 

"Odisho became one of my dearest friends this summer. At nine years of age, he fled Iraq in hopes of escaping the fate of his friends and family members. His older brother, Odisho, came to Jordan trying to preserve his life, find work opportunities, and find religious freedom. This photo came from one of my most meaningful summer internships with the non-profit HXP. As a trip leader, I oversaw 35 youth from across the United States as we built classrooms and provided relief to Odisho and dozens of others like him. I will always remember my time in Jordan and my wonderful friend, Odisho."

A female bird held in front of a black background.
Photo by Janae Radke

Janae Radke – 2nd

"This is a female sage grouse. My summer fieldwork included leading crews of BYU students to capture grouse. We followed these birds through the summer to track their nesting habits and survival. Grouse are captured with huge nets late at night, often when it is bitter cold. To disorient and catch them, we use strobe lights and blast rock or metal music through a speaker. My go-to song is Ozzy Osbourne’s "Crazy Train." My favorite part of the job is taking volunteers out in the field to develop a unique set of skills and have an experience unlike any other."

An ant in a mound of dirt with laid eggs.
Photo by Arissa Huffcutt

Arissa Huffcutt – 3rd 

"We were checking out one of the giant termite mounds off the side of the road, and we found instead (among other things) an ant that had taken up residence in one of the mound's tunnels and laid their eggs there. It was really cool to see that the result of one species' actions could benefit or harm so many other organisms around them."

Manicured hand holds an insect that looks like a green dragonfly between the fingers. A traditional Vietnamese village is in the background.
Photo by Eva Jasinski

Eva Jasinski – Honorable Mention

"This past summer, I traveled with Dr. Bybee on a study abroad collecting insects in Vietnamese national parks. While staying in a small mountain village in Phia Oac, I was looking through our catch of the day and this Neurobasis Chinensis damselfly caught my attention. Its metallic green wings sparkled in the setting sun as I snapped a picture on the highest building in the village."

Artistic Merit

Congratulate the winners on the Life Sciences Instagram!

An orange sun peeks over the horizon at the Salt Flats.
Photo by Jorelle Balahadia

Jorelle Balahadia – 1st 

"A sunrise you have been waiting all night for."

A water creature that looks like a cross between a pink jellyfish and a red fluffy pillow.
Photo by Eva Simpson

Eva Simpson – 2nd

"Pacific Sea Nettle."

A petri dish with green bacteria growing.
Photo by Benjamin David Smith

Benjamin David Smith – 3rd

"An underside view of a round-bottomed flask used to extract lipids from C. Vulgaris. Microalgae species such as Chlorella Vulgaris are actively being studied as potential sources of green energy and nutritious phytochemicals, proteins, and omega-3 fatty acids."

A person walks through a field of wheat holding a gardening tool, their back to the camera.
Photo by Keegan Hammond

Keegan Hammond – Honorable Mention

"Alex is ready to harvest the wheat."