From Kathmandu to Provo
From Katmandu to Provo
On November 9th, students in the College of Life Sciences had the rare opportunity to listen to a guest who had traveled all the way from Kathmandu University to speak to them. In his Seminar, Dr. Sanjay Khanal spoke on environmental and occupational health concerns in Nepal. He told students that Nepal has roughly 30,000 deaths related to air pollution each year and that he is working to try to solve this environmental/occupational health hazard.
Khanal’s seminar is the result of a friendship that began 3 years ago when Dr. Steve Thygerson heard a presentation on the topic of silica exposure in the brick kilns of Nepal at an American Industrial Hygiene Association conference. Thygerson was so impressed that he spent a semester in Nepal conducting research in their brick kilns and collaborating with professors at Kathmandu University including Khanal. And the rest as they say—is history.
Khanal was very impressed with the beauty and landscaping of BYU campus and he also loved the campus’ proximity to the mountains. But what he loved best about his experience was his chance to visit with the bright and inquisitive BYU students. This was Khanal’s first visit to the United States and he would love to bring his family back with him one day.
Watch the lecture here: