Frequently Used Accounting Procedures & Forms
LFSCI_Financial Operating Principles_May2014 (PDF)
LFSCI_Internal Review Checklist_July2023 (PDF)
Computer Tracking
LFSCI_Computer tracking procedures_Dec2022 (PDF)
LFSCI_Lost Computer Form02Sept2023 (PDF)
LFSCI_Off-Campus Computer Form02Oct2023 (PDF)
Donations and Fundraising
LDSP_Donation Tax Deductibility Clarifications_Jun2016 (PDF)
LFSCI_Donation Routing Form_Feb2025 (PDF)
BIO Gift vs Research Questionnaire Oct2020 (PDF)
EXSC Gift vs Research Questionnaire Oct2020 (PDF)
LSDO Gift vs Research Questionnaire Oct2020 (PDF)
MLBM Gift vs Research Questionnaire Oct2020 (PDF)
MMBIO Gift vs Research Questionnaire Oct2020 (PDF)
NDFS Gift vs Research Questionnaire Oct2020 (PDF)
CELL Gift vs Research Questionnaire Oct2020 (PDF)
PH Gift vs Research Questionnaire Oct2020 (PDF)
PWS Gift vs Research Questionnaire Oct2020 (PDF)
General Ledger Accounting
LFSCI_External Ref ID Naming Convention Procedure_Feb2025 (PDF)
Meals & Hosting
LFSCI_Student Meal Approval Procedures_Sep2024 (PDF)
LFSCI_Meals and Hosting Spending Limits_Oct2024 (PDF)
LFSCI_Meals and Hosting Form_Feb2025 (PDF)
LFSCI_University Meals and Hosting Policy FAQ_Sep2024 (PDF)
LFSCI_Procedure Clarification for Routine Meals K. Walker_Sept2020 (PDF)
LFSCI_Clarification email for birthday recog K.Walker_Feb2025 (PDF)
LFSCI_Business Gifts to Employees Clarification Email_Nov2018 (PDF)
LFSCI_College & Department Decision Documentation Procedures_Mar2024 (PDF)
LFSCI_Faculty Consolidation (Fund 04) Account Procedures_Feb2025 (PDF)
LFSCI_Faculty Publications-Shared Expense Procedures_Sep2018 (PDF)
LFSCI_Hand Receipts and Deposits_Aug2019 (PDF)
LFSCI_Hazardous Material Purchasing Procedures_Feb2025 (PDF)
LFSCI_Office Furniture Purchasing Procedures_Sep2014 (PDF)
LFSCI_Purchasing Card Usage Form_Apr2021 (PDF)
LFSCI_Purchasing Holiday Cards Clarification Email Alan Moose_3-7-23 (PDF)
LFSCI_Scholarship Selection Procedural Guidelines_Mar2024 (PDF)
LFSCI_Sponsored Seminar Speaker Procedures_Feb2025 (PDF)
LFSCI_Student Employee Training_Jan2021 (PDF)
LFSCI_Surplus Item Procedures_Mar2024 (PDF)
LFSCI_Travel Scenarios_OCt2024 (PDF)
LFSCI_Travel Expense Worksheet_May2020 (PDF)
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable Procedures
Student Payments Accounting Guide
Agency Accounts
AUDIT_Purchasing Card Key Control Questionnaire_Oct2004 (PDF)
AUDIT_Travel Self Audit Questionnaire_May2007 (PDF)
University Procedures(Budget Adj. Form Instructions)
Capital Assets
Cash Receipts and Handling
Cash and Cash Equivalence Policy
Document Retention
Donations and Fund Raising
Fund Raising Guidelines for Student Clubs and Groups
Grants and Contracts
Journal Entries
Journal Entry Template Instructions
Meals & Hosting
Catering and Food Distribution Policy
Catering Implementing Procedures
Guide to using BYU-Approved Caterers-Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Credit Card Applications/Forms
Lost or Missing Receipt Affidavit
W-9 Form (for BYU’s US Vendors, Award & Gift Recipients, Independent Contractors)
Employee Retirement Checkout Form
Employee Termination Checkout Form
Hiring Managers Onboarding Checklist
Independent Contractor Procedure
Undergraduate Student Travel Policy
Student Assumption of Risk and Limited Release Agreement Form